Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto introduces life and experience into the adventure of art, by appropriating, interfering and tensing the objects and materials used to build “reality”. Among building sites and ruins, Andrey deconstructs to reconfigure, reflecting on the unstable and dynamic action we establish with the environment and its reflections on local identities and cultures.
Zignnatto’s origins lie with indigenous peoples, being a descendant of the Tupinaky’ia and Gûarini groups, and he is also the grandson of a bricklayer, for whom he worked as an assistant from 10 to 14 years of age, besides being a social activist. Zignnatto incorporates his biography into his artistic oeuvre, bringing together art and life, integrating history, memory and territory to the matter and form of his work. In pieces emerging from the universe of labor, such as pottery or building, fragments and leftovers from urban interventions, such as cement bags, bricks, mortar joints, in his hands become raw material for an artistic drive that seeks to reach beyond the imitation process, recreating worlds, structures, and systems, in an artistic proposal of radical invention. Which includes the art system. From constructivism and minimalism to conceptual art, Andrey explores the adventure of the experience of being in the world, opening cracks and breaches, concrete and imaginary, to establish fresh aesthetic unfoldings that also indicate paths of identity and social reconfiguration. If, in peripheral societies, “everything is always under construction and also in ruins”, as he says in one of his works, Zignnatto, with extensive international performance, does not hesitate to intervene, to propose, equalizing in his art forces from distinct and complex universes, such as the urban and the indigenous.
Art is the possible means I have found to equalize the forces of very different universes, the affective memories of my urban life and my experience as a bricklayer involved in building cities, with my indigenous ancestral memories.
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Céu de Urucum, 2023
Cimento, terra e urucum sobre tela
70.50 x 207.50 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Sem título (Série Manta), 2016
Mini cobogó cerâmico, cimento, massa epoxi, ferro e cabo de aço
70 x 60 x 12 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Terra sobre Terra 1, 2021
42 x 29.70 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Terra sobre Terra 7, 2021
29.70 x 21 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Terra sobre Terra 2, 2021
42 x 29.70 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Andara (Abraçado) 1 , 2021
Sementes de açaí, nylon, ferro, madeira, vidro
90 x 65 x 7 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Andara (Abraçado) 3, 2021
Sementes de açaí, nylon, ferro, madeira, vidro
90 x 65 x 7 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Andara (Abraçado) 2, 2021
Sementes de açaí, nylon, ferro, madeira, vidro
90 x 65 x 7 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Xe Rapó, 2020
Impressão em pigmento sobre papel algodão
40 x 60 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Mestiçagem #3 (série Sobre a Pele), 2020
Urucum com resina acrílica,cerâmica e barbante sobre papel de saco de cimento
140 x 105 x 5 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Sem título (Sobre a Pele), 2024
Jenipapo, carvão, resina, cimento, madeira, semente, latão, pluma e cerâmica sobre saco de cimento
190 x 215 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Tapete de Orações #3, 2019
Saco de cimento de papel e tapeçaria
80 x 55 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Físsura #1, 2018
Impressão fotográfica em pigmento sobre papel de algodão
55 x 70 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Físsura #2, 2018
Impressão fotográfica em pigmento sobre papel de algodão
55 x 70 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Físsura #3, 2018
Impressão fotográfica em pigmento sobre papel de algodão
55 x 70 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Fissura [Pachacutec], 2018
Cerâmica, massa epoxi e nota de dólar
40 x 40 x 2.50 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Fissura, 2018
Cerâmica, massa epoxi e nota de dólar
40 x 40 x 2.50 cm
Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Fissura [Atahualpa], 2018
Cerâmica, massa epoxi e nota de dólar
40 x 40 x 2.50 cm