Feco Hamburger’s universe emerges between science and chance. He uses photography to create fields of experience in flat, three-dimensional pieces and video installations. An expert galaxy builder, Feco Hamburger establishes an exploratory poetics around image, time and matter, building a machine of illusions.
In the course of more than 20 years of a consistent career, with works in the collections of Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Coleção Itaú de Fotografia Brasileira and in the French National Library, Hamburger draws attention to the speculative character of photography, by using photographic devices, processes and protocols to model the world, instead of just recording it. Although born in and marked by the exploration of the limits of photographic language and technique, Hamburger’s poetics overflows the specificities of this language, fluidly entering the speculative and torrential field of contemporary image production. As defined by the critic and curator Ícaro Ferraz Jr., these works are born by precipitation, without any previous reality to the action of the artist-alchemist, who creates the solutions in which they come to exist. Thus, images are obtained as residues of processes, in a myriad of elements: rays of light, apparatuses and trappings, printers, papers, displays, scanners, water, oil, soap, sprinklers etc. “Feco Hamburger’s use of photography brings him closer to figures like Eadweard Muybridge and Étienne-Jules Marey who, with their studies of movement, pioneered the use of the photographic image as an instrument of knowledge, beyond the documentary, expressive, and representational potential of the new optical technology. Hamburger’s images are born from a similar impulse: the artist does not predict or calculate much of the phenomena we see in his works. That is why his poetics is an unceasing source of wonder, summoning us to the difficult experience of seeing for the first time, in an age marked by an avalanche of images that tames the gaze, reducing vision to recognition,” he defines.
Feco Hamburger
Hayabusa ou o Falcão Peregrino (Série Eppur si Muove), 2018
Impressão jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
100 x 150 cm
Feco Hamburger
Bubble Hubble (Série Eppur si Muove), 2017
Pigmento sobre papel de algodão e aço inox
110 x 160 cm
Feco Hamburger
Alma VIII (Série Alma), 2015
Jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
110 x 167 cm
Feco Hamburger
Via Láctea 2 – Um Trem (Série Eppur si Muove), 2018
Jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
48 x 100 cm
Feco Hamburger
Via Láctea 3 – Lago com um objeto voador (Série Eppur si Muove), 2018
Jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão e aço inox
71 x 160 cm
Feco Hamburger
Ampulheta III (Série Sobre a permanência), 2008-2009
Impressão jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
80 x 80 cm
Feco Hamburger
Ampulheta I (Série Sobre a permanência), 2008-2009
Impressão jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
80 x 80 cm
Feco Hamburger
Em torno do Mar Morto III (Série Sobre a permanência), 2008-2009
Impressão jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
80 x 80 cm
Feco Hamburger
Atibaia-SP, 02:45 – 04:05h, Março P.A. (Série Noites em Claro), 2004
100 x 100 cm
Feco Hamburger
Guararema-SP, alguns minutos, Janeiro (Série Noites em Claro), 2002
60 x 60 cm
Feco Hamburger
Guararema-SP, alguns minutos, Janeiro (Série Noites em Claro), 2002
60 x 60 cm
Feco Hamburger
Aldebaran II (Série Aldebaran), 2015
41 x 55 cm
Feco Hamburger
Aldebaran I (Série Aldebaran), 2015
41 x 55 cm
Feco Hamburger
Próxima Centuri (Série Aldebaran), 2015
41 x 55 cm
Feco Hamburger
Pictor I e II , 2015
Jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
12 x 18 cm
Feco Hamburger
Major Tom, 2016
Jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
100 x 100 cm
Feco Hamburger
Trovão 2, 2022
Jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
23 x 18 cm
Feco Hamburger
Polaris, 2023
Impressão jato de tinta sobre papel de algodão
40 x 40 cm