If the problem of art is: how to feel pleasure and, at the same time, think about what one sees, this is precisely what we are confronted with before Heleno Bernardi’s work, a set of pieces that results from technical mastery and variety at the service of a unique visual poetics, and which boasts, spirit, strength and tension, along with chromatic richness.
Heleno Bernardi, born in Pouso Alegre (MG, 1967) and living and workingin Rio de Janeiro, is part of a group of artists who gained visibility with the show Posição 2004 (Parque Lage, 2004, Rio de Janeiro), which celebrated “doing and thinking as we walk together” – which, in Bernardi’s case, later expanded into what Paulo Sérgio Duarte calls a “poetics of reflection”. In other words: an artistic practice derived from a thought that dominates each gesture, in the light of an extensive knowledge of modern and contemporary art history. Bernardi, however, circumvents the risks of sterile and immobilizing knowledge, that which merely reproduces the paths already traveled, by means of a work in transit, in which the artist launches himself towards different languages and supports, holding the attitude of art – or, in other words, the spirit – as the leading thread. Thus, Bernardi offers us something beyond the “event of colors” and the visible, whether in site-specific work in degraded places (such as the old casino in Urca, Rio de Janeiro), or in paintings, some of them of non-domestic dimensions, which illustrate another relevant aspect of his art – which is to extrapolate the domain of the private. Therein lies, probably, the strength and undeniable originality of his work.
Heleno Bernardi
Coisa Centrípeta II, 2019
Acrílica, esmalte e spray sobre tela
130 x 200 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sem título, 2019
Acrílica e esmalte sobre tela
150 x 100 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Campo Grave I, 2019
Acrílica, esmalte e spray sobre tela
180 x 120 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sem título, 2019
Acrílica e esmalte sobre tela
150 x 100 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sem título, 2018
Acrílica e spray sobre tela
180 x 120 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sem título, 2018
Acrílica e spray sobre tela
180 x 120 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sem título, 2018
Acrílica e spray sobre tela
100 x 100 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sem título, 2018
Acrílica e spray sobre tela
50 x 50 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sem título, 2018
Acrílica e spray sobre tela
50 x 50 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sem título, 2018
Acrílica e spray sobre tela
50 x 50 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Língua, 2021
Carimbo sobre papel
42 x 29.70 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Rasgo, 2021
Carimbo sobre papel
59.40 x 42 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Impulso, 2021
Carimbo sobre papel
42 x 29.70 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Oco, 2021
Carimbo sobre papel
59.40 x 42 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Sim, 2021
Carimbo sobre papel
29.70 x 42 cm
Heleno Bernardi
NINHO OVO BICHO (tributo neoconcreto), 2022
Carimbo com tinta acrílica sobre tecido de algodão
64 x 48 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Insurgir, 2022
Carimbo com tinta acrílica sobre tecido de algodão
210 x 140 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Reparar, 2022
Carimbo com tinta acrílica sobre tecido de algodão
210 x 140 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Refundar, 2022
Carimbo com tinta acrílica sobre tecido de algodão
210 x 140 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Apologia III, 2006
Pigmentos mineirais sobre papel de algodão
66.50 x 60 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Apologia IV, 2006
Pigmentos mineirais sobre papel de algodão
66.50 x 60 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Apologia VII, 2006
Pigmentos mineirais sobre papel de algodão
66.50 x 60 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Narciso #39, 2007
Impressão jato de tinta sobre papel algodão
77 x 115 cm
Heleno Bernardi
Narciso #1 P.A., 2007
Impressão jato de tinta sobre papel algodão
77 x 115 n/a
Heleno Bernardi
Narciso, 2007-2010