Jeane Terra’s works reveal the subjectivities of memory, the nuances of transience and the wreckage of a time, in visually charged records that reflect on urban erasure and the effects of human action on the landscape, the climate and life on earth.
The work of the artist, whose name is intertwined with the scope of her poetics, is developed in the mediums of painting, sculpture, photography and video art. Often self-referential, Jeanne Terra gravitates to the noisy power station, from which reminiscences surface, to weave a panorama of the main issues of our time. Thus, starting from the experience of the demolition of the house she lived in as a child and with the approach of the baroque of Minas Gerais, the artist travels through cities and places on the verge of disappearing. These are works that move between records of a bygone era, the corrosion of time and the urgency of the contemporary. As in the “ink skin” series, a technique she developed from a mixture of acrylic paint, binder and marble dust, obtaining a chromatic fabric which, composed of multiple, thin layers, takes on the appearance of skin. The artist uses the “skins” of paint which, cut into a myriad of small squares, make up the grid that structures her paintings, in which they are sewn together – using the cross-stitch technique inherited from her maternal grandmother – or glued to the surface of the canvas. A kind of body-painting, made up of immemorial embroidery and the instantaneity of the pixel. As the critic and curator Aguinaldo Farias points out, Jeane Terra “proposes that all architecture is essentially self-destructive, that every construction brings with it its dissolution, that everything we do is ephemeral, and that our gestures are characterized by negativity, even if we insist on valuing the opposite”.
Jeane Terra
O Viajante do Rio, 2024
Quadrados em Pele de Tinta de 1x1cm sobre canvas
181 x 137 cm
Jeane Terra
Floresta de Lotus, 2024
Quadrados em Pele de Tinta de 1x1cm sobre canvas
146 x 206 cm
Jeane Terra
Jardim de lotus do Camboja, 2024
Quadrados em Pele de Tinta de 1x1cm sobre canvas
183.50 x 134 cm
Jeane Terra
Santuário do Sertão, 2022
Monotipia sobre pele de tinta
246 x 146 cm
Jeane Terra
Relicário do Rio (série Relíquias), 2022
Monotipia em vidro e água do Rio São Francisco
43 x 40 x 28 cm
Jeane Terra
Relicário de Memórias, 2022
14 x 24 x 10 cm
Jeane Terra
Relíquia do Sertão (série Relíquias), 2022
Monotipia em vidro e água do Rio São Francisco
38 x 44 x 35 cm