Between forms suspended in emptiness and silence, where the suggestion of architecture, plants, stones and flowers insinuate themselves in autumnal tones, Marga Ledora’s partial and reflective geometry emerges. With drawing as her preferred habitat, the choice of materials as her obsession and a poetics that affirms itself in subtlety and breath, the artist invites us to meditate on utopias in our own world, in an aesthetic and ethical counterpoint to the excessive turbulence of contemporary mediations.
Marga Ledora
A parte que falta, 2016/17
Lápis aquarelável, grafite e bastão de óleo sobre papel
30 x 42 cm
Marga Ledora
Jardim de África, 2020
Grafite, grafite aquareável e giz aquarelável sobre papel
25.50 x 35.50 cm
In Ledora’s drawings, abstraction and figuration never occur in an expansive way; on the contrary, the artist preserves an introspective, almost bucolic gesture in her creations. And it is in this context that Ledora’s work exerts all its conceptual force. The artist’s mastery of technique lies in subtlety, offering viewers the opposite of what is expected of contemporary behavior. Faced with so much expansiveness, Ledora invites us to withdraw. To inhabit the center of our own world. Instead of choosing to fill the entire surface of the paper, Ledora offers us silence, calm and tranquillity. A breath in the midst of a world in tatters. A poetic and formal way of rehearsing utopias.
The poetics of Marga Ledora’s drawings are based on shapes, lines and colors. Her work, as the protagonist of a silent architecture, speaks of an intimate character, organized by the feminine. Using mainly watercolor chalk on paper, the geometric clusters created by the artist form earthy compositions in delicate contrasts, building houses, objects and volumes of magical places, protecting memories related to strength, faith and affection.
Marga Ledora
Casa Preta com Paisagem (Paisagem Mínima), 2021
Giz e grafite aquarelável sobre papel
24 x 32 cm
Hes works have elements centered on the plane, an emphatically manual aspect and some geometric structure that alludes to architecture, as in the ogival curves, the right angles that recall the roofs of “little houses”, the lines that evoke gaps in doors or windows, and so on. The scales are tiny, the gestures contained and these small compositions create places which, invented or based on real data, create spaces of interiority, contrasting with the emptiness of the rest of the canvas or paper.
Marga Ledora
Fragile, 2018
Grafite, grafite aquarelável, giz aquarelável e bastão de óleo sobre papel
29.50 x 42 cm
Marga Ledora
Casa preta (com elemento arquitetônico), 2017
Lápis carvão, lápis aquarelável e bastão de óleo sobre papel
21 x 29.70 cm
Marga Ledora
Casa preta 2, 2018
Grafite aquarelável, lapis carvão aquarelável, lapis aquarelável dourado sobre papel
23 x 31 cm
Marga Ledora
Casas pretas, 2017
Lápis carvão, lápis aquarela e bastão de óleo sobre papel
21 x 29 cm
Marga Ledora
Casa preta (ouro e cobre), 2019
Grafite, grafite aquarelável, carvão aquarelável e lápis carvão sobre papel
25.50 x 35.50 cm
Marga Ledora
Ouro e cobre, 2021
Grafite, grafite aquarelável, lápis carvão aquarelável e giz aquarelável sobre papel
23.50 x 31.50 cm
Houses without doors or windows, only with windows, contrary to what you might think, are complete. They hold their own mysteries. (…) The house as a body. (…) Houses without openings are the closed body. With their contents protected from the eyes of those who pass by.
Marga Ledora
Fendidu I (da série Quadrus Negrus), 1988
Giz pastel seco sobre papel Carmen
70 x 100 cm
Realizados nos anos 80, os desenhos da série, nunca antes mostrados em conjunto, utilizam papel belga Carmen preto, raríssimo à época da confecção das obras. A negritude e textura do papel amplificam a potência do registro, que se tornou icônico em sua carreira, realçando a arquitetura fugidia e ambivalente dos desenhos e atestando a importância quase obsessiva que a artista dedica à escolha dos pigmentos e suportes.
Marga Ledora
Mujer sin piés ni cabeza (da série Quadrus Negrus), 1987
Giz pastel seco sobre papel Carmen
70 x 100 cm
Marga Ledora
Regalo (terra) (da série Quadrus Negrus), 1987
Giz pastel seco sobre papel Carmen
70 x 100 cm
Marga Ledora
Espia (da série Quadrus Negrus), 1987
Giz pastel seco sobre papel Carmen
100 x 70 cm
Marga Ledora
Muro (da série Quadrus Negrus), 1987
Giz pastel seco sobre papel Carmen
100 x 70 cm
Marga Ledora
Planos (da série Quadrus Negrus), 1987
Giz pastel seco sobre papel Carmen
70 x 100 cm