Sandra Mazzini: How Rivers Run to the Sea - Janaina Torres

Sao Paulo Brazil


Sandra Mazzini

How Rivers Run To The Sea

In her first solo show, Sandra Mazzini explores landscape, a theme dear to art history, in scenes of lush nature and familiar bucolic memories. By reconfiguring forests, plantations and foliage by means of the grid, her trademark, Sandra creates a kind of weft that changes the “real,” re-presenting it full of improbable nuances and vibrations that provoke and stimulate the eye.

21 OCT – 15 DEZ 2017


Sandra Mazzini’s paintings make the viewer approach the canvas, see the edges and move away in an attempt to see further. During the moment you look at the painting, you experience the illusion of having superpowers, of being alive and strong.

— Sergio Romagnolo, professor and artist



Como os rios correm para o mar

Sandra Mazzini
Como os rios correm para o mar, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
190 x 260 cm

+ consult


Mangueiras e barranco em Ibiúna

Sandra Mazzini
Mangueiras e barranco em Ibiúna, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
180 x 200 cm

+ consult


Ora pro nobis 1

Sandra Mazzini
Ora pro nobis 1, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
50 x 50 cm

+ consult
Sem Título

Sandra Mazzini
Sem Título, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
150 x 180 cm

+ consult
Sem Título

Sandra Mazzini
Sem Título, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
80 x 90 cm

+ consult
Urubu e Ora pro nobis

Sandra Mazzini
Urubu e Ora pro nobis, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
120 x 180 cm

+ consult
Composição com espelhos

Sandra Mazzini
Composição com espelhos, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
180 x 90 cm

+ consult
Ora pro nobis 2

Sandra Mazzini
Ora pro nobis 2, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
60 x 40 cm

+ consult

Painting is a complex technique that allows for the unfolding of several layers of meanings. In my work, there are several paintings within one. It is a kind of weft composed of autonomous units.

— Sandra Mazzini


Maria sem vergonha

Sandra Mazzini
Maria sem vergonha, 2017
Óleo sobre tela
30 x 30 cm

+ consult

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